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Gates 1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 Synchronous Belt 8MM Pitch 9579-1005
Gates 1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 Synchronous Belt 8MM Pitch 9579-1005
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SKU: 1064-8MGT-20

Gates 1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 Synchronous Belt 8MM Pitch 9579-1005

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1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 synchronous belt 1064mm length 8mm pitch 20mm width. Gates product id 95791005. PowerGrip GT4 replaces PowerGrip GT3
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates 1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 Belt 95791005

1064-8MGT-20 PowerGrip GT4 synchronous belt 1064mm length 8mm pitch 20mm width. Gates product id 95791005. PowerGrip GT4 replaces PowerGrip GT3

Engineered with the latest in advanced technology and materials science expertise, Gates® PowerGrip™ GT4™ delivers the highest power-carrying capacity of any belt in its class. Utilizing all new advanced materials, Gates designed a belt with increased chemical resistance and larger temperature range capability.

The NEW GT4™ belt delivers improved performance over a wide range of industrial applications. The 8MGT and 14MGT pitches are the optimum choice for high performance drives in the machine tool, paper and textile industries where durability and low maintenance are required.

From resource processing to heavy manufacturing, automated production to custom assembly — Gates solutions improve uptime, efficiency, productivity, reliability and safety for industries around the world.

  • Higher power-carrying capacity giving you the option to use a narrow belt
  • No lubrication and no retensioning eliminates maintenance costs throughout the life of the belt
  • Fully operational in a wide range of temperatures: -40°F to +284°F (-40°C to +140°C) *For intermittent use
  • Static conductive (ISO9563) and for conditions described in the Directive 2014/34/EU - ATEX
  • Improves Ergonomics — less weight reduces fatigue and strain during installation
  • Environmentally Friendly — made without harmful chlorinated compounds

Belt Pitch:  8mm
Belt Width:  20mm
Body Material:  Ethylene Elastomer
Number of Teeth:  133
Pitch Length (in):  41.89
Pitch Length (mm):  1064
MPN:  1064-8MGT-20
Product Number:  95791005
UPC:  770075789666
Tariff Code:  4010.35.4500
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