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Gates 136-2MGT-06 PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Belt 9400-1068
Gates 136-2MGT-06 PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Belt 9400-1068
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SKU: 136-2MGT-06

Gates 136-2MGT-06 PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Belt 9400-1068

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136-2MGT-06 Gates PowerGrip GT3 synchronous belt 136mm length 94001068
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates 136-2MGT-06 PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Belt 9400-1068

136-2MGT-06 Gates PowerGrip GT3 synchronous belt 136mm length 94001068. The PowerGrip GT3 belt has twice the load carrying capacity of its predecessor HTD�. In addition, less width is required compared to HTD, allowing lighter, more compact drives. PowerGrip GT3 belts are suitable for many applications including data storage, machine tool, hand power tools, postage handling, DC Stepper/Servo, food processors, office machines, centrifuges, money handling, medical diagnostic, sewing machines, ticket dispensers, robotics, vending machines and vacuum cleaners.

  • Fiberglass tensile cord provides high strength, excellent flex life, and high resistance to elongation.
  • Neoprene body provides protection against grime, grease, oil, and moisture.
  • Nylon tooth facing provides a durable wear surface for long service life.
  • Gates patented tooth profile is designed for use with a specific sprocket groove profile. The sprocket groove-belt tooth combination increases capacity, while improving registration.
  • PowerGrip GT3 greatly exceeds HTD in tooth ratchet resistance.
  • Eliminates lubrication and re-tensioning reduce maintenance and labor as compared to roller chain drives.
  • PowerGrip GT3 belt sprocket combinations match or exceed the positional accuracy of PowerGrip Timing belt/pulley systems.
  • Recommended Sprockets: PowerGrip® GT®2 Sprockets

Belt Pitch:  2mm
Belt Width:  6mm
Number of Teeth:  68
Pitch Length (in):  5.35
Pitch Length (mm):  136
MPN:  136-2MGT-06
Product Number:  94001068
UPC:  770075594178
Tariff Code:  4010.39.4500
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