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Gates 14M-2520-125PS Curve Saw Poly Chain GT2 Synchronous Belt 92790646
Gates 14M-2520-125PS Curve Saw Poly Chain GT2 Synchronous Belt 92790646
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SKU: 14M-2520-125PS

Gates 14M-2520-125PS Curve Saw Poly Chain GT2 Synchronous Belt 92790646

Weight: 5 lbs 1 ozs
List Price: $6,962.10
Price: $3,281.78
You Save: $3,680.32 (53%)
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14M-2520-125PS Gates Curve Saw Poly Chain Lumber Belt 14mm pitch x 2520mm length x 125mm width. Gates product ID 92790646
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates 14M-2520-125PS Poly Chain Lumber Belt 92790646

Gates Curve Saw Poly Chain GT2 Belt 14M-2520-125PS 92790646. An innovative construction combined with the Gates tooth profile makes the Curve Saw Poly Chain� GT�2 Belt compact and lightweight with extraordinary strength and load carrying capacity.

This belt is ideal for all industrial markets, but particularly suited for Curve Saw applications or any shock loaded application requiring synchronization.

  • Gates patented curvilinear tooth profile provides high shear strength and improved load carrying capacity
  • Unique aramid tensile cord combines extraordinary strength and superior shock load
  • Significantly reduces log jams and associated down
  • Nylon tooth facing reduces friction and eliminates the need for lubrication.
  • Fully operational in temperature extremes of -65° F to +185° F (-54 C° to +85° C).

Lumber Mills: Lumber manufacturers install curve saws to increase the amount of board feet “recovered” from cutting a log into dimensional lumber.

In addition, curve saws can:
  • boost production
  • improve lumber recovery ratios
  • stay competitive

Belt Pitch:  14mm
Belt Width:  125mm
Number of Teeth:  180
Pitch Length (in):  99.21
Pitch Length (mm):  2520
Product Number:  92790646
UPC:  072053496567
Tariff Code:  3926.90.5500
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