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Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
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Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125
SKU: 2/11M1250JB

Gates 2/11M1250JB Polyflex JB Light Duty v-belt 8914-2125

Weight: 0 lbs 8 ozs
List Price: $278.42
Price: $147.24
You Save: $131.18 (47%)
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2-11M1250JB Light duty Polyflex 2 banded 11M1250 v-belt 1250mm effective length 89142125
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates 2/11M1250JB Polflex JB v-belt 8914-2800

Gates 2/11M1250JB Light duty Polyflex 2 banded 11M1250 v-belt 89142125. Joined band belt contstruction provides increased belt stability, preventing belts from turning over or from coming off of the drive. Unique 60 degree angle polyurethane construction transmits greater loads at higher speeds in less space than conventional v-belts. A partial listing of applications include machine tools, computer peripherals, medical equipment, library equipment, small appliances, blower drives and woodworking machines.


  • High Modulus Polyurethane compound resists fatigue, wear, ozone, and most environmental conditions.
  • Precise casting method eliminates layers and overlaps for smooth running and low vibration.
  • Ribbed backing provides greater lateral stability and relieves bending stress.
  • Working temperature range: -65°F to +180°F (-54°C to +85°C).
  • Joined belt construction provides high stability, preventing belts from turning over or coming off of the drive.

Belt Top Width Per Strand (mm):  11
Effective Length (in):  48.5
Effective Length (mm):  1250
Number of Strands:  2
MPN:  2/11M1250JB
Product Number:  89142125
UPC:  072053244489
Tariff Code:  3926.90.5500
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