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Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
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Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365
SKU: 3M365

Gates 3M365 Polyflex Light Duty V-Belt 8901-0365

Weight: 0 lbs 1 ozs
List Price: $18.80
Price: $11.92
You Save: $6.88 (37%)
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3M365 Polyflex light duty v-belt 365MM effective length 89010365
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates 3M365 Polyflex Belt - 8901-0365

Gates 3M365 Polyflex light duty v-belt. Unique 60 degree angle polyurethane construction transmits greater loads at higher speeds in less space than conventional v-belts. A partial listing of applications include machine tools, computer peripherals, medical equipment, library equipment, small appliances, blower drives and woodworking machines.


  • High Modulus Polyurethane compound resists fatigue, wear, ozone, and most environmental conditions.
  • Precise casting method eliminates layers and overlaps for smooth running and low vibration.
  • Ribbed backing provides greater lateral stability and relieves bending stress.
  • Working temperature range: -65°F to +180°F (-54°C to +85°C).

Product Number:  89010365
UPC:  072053266269
Tariff Code:  3926.90.5500
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