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Gates PB14MX-30S-90 Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 5.263 Inch Diameter 7716-9030
Gates PB14MX-30S-90 Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 5.263 Inch Diameter 7716-9030
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SKU: PB14MX-30S-90

Gates PB14MX-30S-90 Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 5.263 Inch Diameter 7716-9030

Weight: 27 lbs 10 ozs
List Price: $988.29
Price: $717.15
You Save: $271.14 (27%)
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PB14MX-30S-90 Gates Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 14mm pitch 5.263 pitch diamter 30 grooves with a bore range of 1 1/2 - 3 3/16 inch for 90mm wide Poly Chain Belts. Gates product ID 77169030
Product Specifications
Product Details

Gates PB14MX-30S-90 Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 7716-9030

PB14MX-30S-90 Gates Poly Chain GT2 Sprocket 14mm pitch 5.263 pitch diamter 30 grooves with a bore range of 1 1/2 - 3 3/16 inch for 90mm wide Poly Chain Belts. Gates product ID 77169030

Use with any Poly Chain® Belts.

  • Sprockets might NOT have flanges.
  • Smaller, narrower sprockets save shaft space, keep the load closer to bearing and extend life of reducer.
  • Precise sprocket design produces positive, press fit to shaft.
  • Poly Chain GT2 Sprockets keep overhung load below manufacturers recommendation.
  • Full split in bushing allows easy installation and removal.
SPECIAL NOTE: Pitch diameter of the sprocket is always greater than its outside diamter. Details shown which do not affect drive function or overall weight may be changed without notification.

WARNING: Do NOT use these sprockets with rim speeds in excess of 6,500 fpm.

Belt Width:  90
Bore or Bushing:  MPB
Bore Range (in):  1 1/2 - 3 3/16
Grooves:  30
Pitch Diameter (in):  5.263
Material:  Ductile Iron
Product Number:  77169030
UPC:  072053460568
Tariff Code:  8483.90.8080
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