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Gates 14MGT-1120-90 Poly Chain GT Carbon Synchronous Belt 9274-7080
Gates 14MGT-1120-90 Poly Chain GT Carbon Synchronous Belt 9274-7080
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SKU: 14MGT-1120-90

Gates 14MGT-1120-90 Poly Chain GT Carbon Synchronous Belt 9274-7080

Weight: 3 lbs 13 ozs
List Price: $1,666.33
Price: $1,257.91
You Save: $408.42 (25%)
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14MGT-1120-90 Gates Poly Chain GT Carbon Synchronous Belt 14mm pitch x 1120mm length x 90mm width. Gates product ID 92747080
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Product Details

Gates 14MGT-1120-90 Poly Chain Carbon Belt 92747080

Gates Poly Chain GT Carbon Belt 14MGT-1120-90 9274-7080. Poly Chain GT Carbon Belts, Nothing Tougher! Give yourself a competitive advantage by designing in the Gates Poly Chain GT Carbon drive system instead of roller chain in your next power transmission application.

The patented use of Carbon Fiber as the tensile cord provides increased horsepower rating for greater power density and compactness and increased flexibility, allowing the use of backside idlers. When combined with Gates Poly Chain GT2 sprockets, you have a lightweight, long-lasting, maintenance-free system that�s more than a match for roller chain.

All industrial markets, especially suited to replace roller chain drives. Narrow width minimizes reducer overhung loads and left-justified hubs on Poly Chain GT2 sprockets accommodate short shaft lengths.

  • Maintenance-free, clean solution for roller chain drive conversion

    • Significantly reduces maintenance costs
    • Equivalent capacity to roller chain drives in the same width
    • Easy rust-free wash-down with Gates Stainless Steel hardware
    • Fast drive conversion payback
    • Quieter than roller chain drives
  • Robust carbon tensile cord combines minimal stretch with extraordinary strength and load carrying capacity, while absorbing shock and surge loads.
  • Durable polyurethane construction resists chemicals, oil, pollutants, and abrasion.
  • Nylon tooth facing reduces friction and eliminates the need for lubrication.
  • Fully operational in temperature extremes of -65°F to +185°F (-54°C to +85°C).
  • Available in the following pitches: 5 mm, 8 mm, 14 mm.
  • Also available in Long Length belting well suited for linear movement, positioning and conveying applications.

Belt Pitch:  14mm
Belt Width:  90mm
Number of Teeth:  80
Pitch Length (in):  44.09
Pitch Length (mm):  1120
Product Number:  92747080
UPC:  072053451894
Tariff Code:  3926.90.5700
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